Design & code

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Design & development

snow-mo screenshot

snow-mo (2011)

Falling snowflakes using WebGL, via Three.js, from CoffeeScript.

mappiness screenshot

mappiness (2010)

My iPhone app/research study. Download the app and take part! Also check out the <canvas>-powered hedonimeters. screenshot

emma & kellie (2010)

A site for a special day.

Wellbeing survey screenshot

Wellbeing survey (2009)

Built using my Ruby-based web surveys DSL, websperiment.

Zoology museum screenshot

Zoology Museum, University of Cambridge (2009)

A major refresh of their old site. Kept updated by the Museum, using Textile (with a few enhancements) in a simple Rails-based CMS. Hosted on a netbook for energy efficiency! screenshot

Briony & George (2009)

Another simple website for a wedding.

John Christ screenshot

John Christ, Corporate Designer (2009)

John did all the visual design on this site, which I converted into HTML, CSS and a sprinkling of unobtrusive JavaScript (using the excellent ojay wrapper for YUI).

Cambridge Assessment Group Update page

Cambridge Assessment (2006)

I did some print design work for the exam board, including their internal Group Update and external Achieve publications.

CD cover creator screenshot

CD cover creator (2005)

A useful tool in serious need of prettifying and polishing. Uses the Amazon Advertising API to fetch cover art and track listings, which it then pulls together into a PDF using a little Ruby.

Gallery Challenge screenshot

Gallery Challenge, Whipple Museum, University of Cambridge (2004)

My only significant foray into Flash: an interactive game in which you create a museum display. The non-Flash parts of the site are generated using XSLT 2 templates.

Tetris screenshot

Dr Miracle’s Wacko Tetris (2003)

A no-nonsense Tetris in JavaScript, images and <table>s.

Last updated: October 2012